The following terms and conditions govern your use of the TAFTA website and the materials and information accessible on or from the website. SW may from time to time change this website (including these terms and conditions of use). Your use of the website means you accept these terms and conditions. If you do not agree with these terms and conditions please do not visit or use the website.

This is also our general policy and may not apply to longer-term courses such as the National Actors Intensive, Part-Time Program, Full-Time Program, Showreels or Venue Hire. If you'd like further information on these particular policies please contact us at enquiries@tafta.com.au.


The Australian Film & Television Academy courses and workshops go ahead based on student numbers. Any cancellation within 7 DAYS PRIOR to the workshop or course commencement will forfeit the

Any cancellations MORE THAN 7 DAYS prior to the course or workshop commencement date will not be refunded, but will be issued as a CREDIT on your TAFTA account (less 20% admin fee) to use for future workshops.

Should an emergency or special circumstance arise where you cannot attend the course or workshop, The Australian Film & Television Academy will be required to retain 20% of all bookings to cover admin fees.

Refunds of remaining balance will ONLY be considered for significant and special circumstances. Refunds will only be issued at The Australian Film & Television Academy Director’s sole discretion. The Australian Film & Television Academy reserves the right to request proof of special circumstances in order to issue a refund.

Once workshops/courses commence, the course must be paid in full prior to completion of workshop/course. Sessions unattended are forfeited and no credits will be issued. Special circumstances may be considered and will be at the sole discretion of The Australian Film & Television Academy’s Director.

Failure to pay and with no attempt to resolve any missed or outstanding payments. The case will be handed over to our debt collection agency. Where you will be liable for all legal and collection costs, in addition to the outstanding fees.

Any variation in the coaching/ teaching/ filming hours will be at the sole discretion of TAFTA & or its agents

Whilst all efforts will be made to offer the teacher, venue or course time as specified in advertisements TAFTA reserves the right to substitute any teacher, venue or course time.

TAFTA reserves the right to cancel any class. In this case fees will be refunded in full.

Participants: must:
Learn the specified age and sex appropriate scripts sent to them and present each one professionally at the time of the workshop/course.

We expect you to come to class prepared & ready to fully engage in the training.
Arrive 15 minutes early for ALL classes or workshops.

Advise the relevant teacher or class supervisor if they can not attend/ need to leave early or are running late;

Work in a collaborative spirit: Often in film/TV roles, you will be cast alongside individuals that you do not care for; this may also be the case during courses. We will expect professionalism, as any employer would expect on set. If you do not behave in a professional manner, you will receive a warning. If the behaviour continues after the warning, you may be asked to leave the program.

Participants: must not
“Discriminate against or harass colleagues, students or members of the public on a number of grounds including: sex, marital status, pregnancy, age, race, ethnic or national origin, physical or intellectual impairment or sexual preference. Such harassment or discrimination may constitute an offence under the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977. In addition you must not harass or discriminate on the grounds of political or religious conviction”;

Arrive in class under the influence of alcohol or hallucinatory or social drugs of any kind;
Be disrespectful to fellow students or teachers.

Students must adhere to the rules and regulations of TAFTA Productions and understand that they are representatives of TAFTA.

If rules and regulations are disregarded by any student, TAFTA reserves the right to discontinue any classes to that student without any financial penalty to TAFTA.