Making it…
The industry likes to make us feel unworthy until we have reached what is known as 'making it'.
But what exactly is this elusive point?
Is it when you have 10 million followers on Instagram? When you get #1 StarMeter on IMDBpro? Is it getting a lead role in a Film or TV production? Is it playing Lear on stage?
Let's reframe our idea of what 'making it' is.
You've already made it.
If you want to be an actor, by simply doing the act of acting, you are an actor - even if you don't have an agent or any professional credits. This acting can be in the form of class, TikTok videos, making your own work - or simply doing monologues in your bedroom.
But we are motivated people who want to aim high - right? And if the bar is set so low how do we continually improve?
Let’s refine 'Making it' to working with intention on your acting. Breaking your acting down into little bits and working on one at a time with focus until each one is better than it was before. This is something you can actually do - not something you can just wish about.
If you focus on one little bit at a time it's pretty likely your auditions and bookings will go up. Your StarMeter too, probably, if that's what excites you. And the industry will be like "you've made it!" and you'll say "cool", then go back to working on your acting, because that was what excited you in the first place!
Oh, and there is a final piece to the puzzle.
It's okay to knuckle down every once in a while, but make sure you carve time out to do the things you enjoy. Whether this is a few (many) beers with friends, hiking, surfing, gaming, poetry - live your life!!