Don’t Do It Right
Do it!
Right now!
As artists and humans, our chemistry is complicated and temperamental. We are full of great ideas, and passion, and energy, but also crippling anxiety, intrusive thoughts, self doubt and that nasty little inner voice judging our every move.
We think that if only we can get it right. If only we can do the correct thing, those thoughts will leave us alone. But even when we do those things right, when we tick all the boxes, the inner voice pipes up again.
Your role as an actor is not to do it right. It is to do it, right now. To take the challenge you are faced with (A scene, a career decision, an audition opportunity) and do it. And not only do it, but do it as it is happening.
We all want to be in the moment, but no matter how present you are, if you are attached to a result, you will not be able to fully be in the moment.
So let go of the results!
Every take is a process, an opportunity to discover what could happen in the circumstances that you are faced with right now. The ever changing circumstances based on your partner, yourself, and the complicated, temperamental nature of the scene.
Focus on the process. Everything else is out of your control.